NYC Graffiti Tours: A Comprehensive Guide

Williamsburg, Brooklyn (Ended by Lorimer and Metropolitan subway stops)

HEFS, corner North 12th Street and Wythe Street
REZOR, corner North 12th Street and Wythe Street
SKEWVILLE, on North 11th Street, off Wythe Street
ESPO, on North 11th Street, off Wythe Street
ROA, corner of Berry Street and North 5th Street
FAILE/BAST, on Wythe Street, between North 5th and North 6th Streets
FAILE/BAST, on Wythe Street, between North 5th and North 6th Streets
BAST, on Wythe Street, between North 5th and North 6th Streets
SHANK/KNOWS/ACAI, lot on corner of North 3rd and Kent Avenue
KNOWS, on Wythe Street, between North 5th and North 6th Streets
ACAI, on Wythe Street, between North 5th and North 6th Streets
WANE, on River Street, off North 3rd Street
SHANK, on River Street, off North 3rd Street
HOW/NOSM/RROBOT, on Kent Avenue, off South 5th Street
TRISTAN EATON, “Riders of the Apocalypse,” off Roebling Street, on Fillmore Place

This is part three of Arturo Conde’s self-guided graffiti tours of Brooklyn for Check out Brooklyn Graffiti Tour Part 1 and Part 2 after this story. To check out Mike’s street art photography, visit his flickr page here.

Photos: Courtesy of Arturo Conde