What: Hudson Valley Ribfest
Where: New Paltz, NY
When: August 21-22, 2010; Saturday 11a.m.–10p.m., Sunday 11a.m.-5p.m.
Why: To save trees by licking your fingers instead of using napkins. Now in its sixth year, Hudson Valley Ribfest lets teams duke it out over who is really the grill master. Summer isn’t summer without barbecue and what better way to enjoy it than sampling the best of the best? In between taste testing pizza, skirt steak, shrimp (Saturday) and chicken, ribs, and brisket (Sunday), enjoy live music and the chance to see the NASCAR Show Car up close.
Cost: $5 admission both days; children under 12 are free
How to get there: Adirondack Trailways to New Paltz. Call Delroy Taxi at 854.452.1222 for quick transportation to the Ulster County Fairgrounds.
(Hudson Valley Ribfest, hudsonvalleyribfest.org)
Photo: Courtesy of hungrycanack