Spring Training: Westchester Cycle Club Launches a Bicycle Camp

CALLING ALL BIKERS. Newbies, daily commuters, racers, cruisers, and weekend warriors.

Whether you’d like to feel more comfortable biking in traffic, are preparing for a century, want to know how to fix a flat tire or just become a stronger rider, it’s time to sign up for a full day of bicycle camp conducted by the Westchester Cycle Club (one of the best bike clubs in America, according to the League of American Cyclists).

There are bikers everywhere you look in New York’s five boroughs (and more expected this summer when the NYC Bike Share launches). At WCC’s bike camp, you’ll spend a day focusing on safe riding and skill development, meet some great people in the process, and ultimately be more confident as a cyclist on the road, riding in groups and alongside cars.

Cost: For just $25 you get the full day of bike camp with a hot lunch, as well as sandwich and salad offerings. To seal the deal, offMetro.com readers who sign up get a free one-year membership to the Westchester Cycle Club (a $20 value itself).

This is what your day at camp will look like:

Morning session:
There will be a safety film and lecture, a question and answer session, and some discussion and demonstrations about common issues such as bike selection, traffic safety and proper clothing. Break-out sessions will focus on particular skills and interest areas. This will be followed by a lunch break and socializing. While this is going on, your bikes will be checked out for tire pressure, overall readiness to ride, and fit. There will be a professional fitter to explain fit issues and to help you.

Afternoon session workshops may include:
• For beginners: Starting, stopping, turning and shifting.
• For all: Safe and effective riding practices; the Instant Turn.
• For all: Riding in traffic, including hand signals and left hand turns.
• For intermediate/ advanced: Climbing and descending.
• For intermediate/ advanced: Electronica (Garmin, Strava, MapMyRide, etc.)
• For intermediate/ advanced: Nutrition and training for improvement.
• For intermediate/ advanced: Riding in a pace line and in an echelon, and descending.
• For all: Basic mechanics and bike maintenance (e.g., tire/tube changing).
• For ride leaders: Basic first aid for cyclists.
• For all: “The ‘Slow’ Race.”
• Bumping on the grass.
If registration warrants it, there will be a special youth program, including such topics as helmets, keeping your line, passing safely, how to pace yourself, spandex alternatives, bling your bike and bike art.

When: April 28, 2012, 9:30am – 4:00pm

How to register: Sign up soon as there is a camp limit due to space constraints at the Mariandale Retreat and Conference Center. First come, first serve. Click here to register: http://www.westchestercycleclub.org/

How to get there: Mariandale Retreat and Conference Center in Ossining, a gorgeous spot with 1/2 mile frontage on the Hudson facing the Palisades. It’s a five-minute bike or cab ride from the express Metro North Hudson line stop at Croton Harmon. The Center has closed grounds where one can learn and practice riding and hill climbing.

Photo: Listen Missy!