They say a picture is worth 1,000 words, but here at offMetro SF headquarters we’re feeling speechless. Or, rather, we’ve decided to let your photo contest entries speak for us, and in just one week, the words bursting forth include “bliss,” “adventure,” “wonder,” “incandescent,” “majesty,” and, of course “California,” a word that sums up all of the above and more.
In celebration of the glory that is gracing oMSF this month, we’ve put together our favorite week one entries, all of which are sure to inspire you to Get Out of Town.
A view from today’s hike in the White Mountains overlooking the Owens Valley in Bishop, CA. by @pixatawny_phil
Monarch migration in Big Sur by @elizaluv.
@darlingbird taking the road less traveled in Purisima Creek Redwoods
Moody Mendocino by @cruzerzmom.
At the Ritz-Carlton in Half Moon Bay by @emilychuiee. Here are more spectacular rooms with a Bay Area view.