Flea Diary: The Fort Greene Market is Reopening Finally

What: The Brooklyn Flea

When: Every Saturday, starting April 18

Why: Dear Flea-ites, I have a confession to make. I’m a Flea-aholic. I am one of the bazaar’s nearly 500 followers on Twitter. I visit its blog daily, and I’ve made more cameos to the market than I’m willing to admit. Before the Flea went indoors last winter, I was a clock-work flea bee. Every Sunday, I traveled to Bishop Loughlin High School whether I got caught in the rain or held a parasol to escape inglorious sun.

Once summer gave way to cooler months, I still enjoyed the indoor Dumbo markets but felt like I was suffering from outdoor-flea withdrawals. (Yes, there is such a thing.) I missed frolicking on the steps and chatting up strangers while standing in food lines. But most of all, I just wanted to feel the energy of a diverse, collective community.

And finally, staring this Saturday, we will once again belong to an outdoor flea when The Fort Greene Brooklyn Flea returns with its staple of top notch vintage and antique vendors. To celebrate the Flea’s reopening, new partner Brooklyn Botanic Garden and its Sakura Matsuri Cherry Blossom Festival will decorate the main entrance with a “Sakura Set” inspired by five flea vendors who have crafted items for sale only at the market: Bonbon Oiseau’s jewelry, Foxy+Winston Stationery, and kimonos by Kimono Lily to name a few.

New culinary treats will include grilled cheese sandwiches from Saxelby Cheesemongers, Early Bird Granola, and Miss Amy’s preserves. The Dumbo Pop-Up markets—the flea’s now famous cousins at 76 and 81 Front Street—will respectively showcase vintage antiques and wares from new vendors on Sundays. I can’t wait to train hop to Fort Greene, scour the 40,000-square-foot schoolyard and burn a cheap hole through my wallet. See you there.

Cost: Free

How to get there: Take any train that goes to Atlantic Ave. or Pacific St. in Brooklyn, including the C train to Brooklyn. Other options include taking the G to Clinton/Washington or the F to Lafayette Street. Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School is at 357 Clermont Ave., Fort Greene, Brooklyn. For public transportation directions from anywhere on Manhattan, click the HopStop link below.

Photo: Courtesy of the Brooklyn Flea