Four Reasons To Be Giddy About Summertime

If a pristine empty coastline, fresh lobster rolls, and a beach-perched state park aren’t enough get-out-of-town magnets for you, how about free booze bus rides to Montauk’s grand hotel where lemongrass daiquiri debauchery awaits? [Thrillist]

After a week of rain and more rain, you’ll be missing the smell of sunscreen on your skin. Apply SPF 50 then head to Walter Foods for the new outdoor patio and lunch menu. [NYMAG]

Rooftop Films is back this summer and on June 6, $9 will buy you purrty views of the city, a six-episode musical-western comedy called Stingray Sam, and a meet and greet with the filmmakers. [GoingNYC]

Tuning in to watch Late Night with Jimmy Fallon every week simply does not fulfill our longing for The Roots live in concert, in fact, it’s a real teaser. Good thing the 2nd annual Roots Picnic is taking place this Saturday at Penn’s Landing in Philly, where you’re sure to get way more than five second intervals of their Hot-Hot music. [OkayPlayer]