20215 Highway 1
Marshall, CA 94940
(415) 663-9218
They’re called “The Oyster Mercenaries” for a reason. This is serious business.
Tomales Bay is home to some of the best oysters in the Bay, and they come from Hog Island Oyster Farm. Since 1983, the farm has been raising and serving up Pacific (Sweetwaters), Kumamoto, and Atlantic oysters, plus Manila clams and mussels. Mmm, tasty.
Certainly, they’re tasty (and still farm fresh) when you eat them at one of Hog Island’s outlets in San Francisco, Napa, or the East Bay, but it’s a whole different story up on the farm, where the specialty is picnics—and interactive edibles! You purchase the fresh oysters that you want, then plunk down at a picnic table and work up your appetite by doing your own shucking. (Those not feeling up to the challenge can purchase oysters on the half shell, as well as other food and libations at the oyster bar, “The Boat.”
Reservations for picnic tables are highly recommended.
Read about more things to do in Point Reyes.
The Farm is located at 20215 Hwy 1 in Marshall, CA, 49 miles north of San Francisco, 10 miles north of Point Reyes Station and 23 miles south of Bodega Bay. It’s best to drive to this one.