6795 Washington Street
Yountville, CA 94599
(707) 251- 8687
This shop’s location in the famous Napa Valley is reason enough to check it out. You can choose guided tours around the area (and even through some vineyards) or just set out on your own.
Choose from a variety of well-maintained bikes, ranging from $25 a day (for children’s bikes) to $78 a day (for a romantic tandem ride.) There’s also an option for tag-alongs, trailers, and electric bikes. Included in your rental are a helmet, lock, a “Bike to the Wineries” map, and free roadside assistance if needed.
You are strongly recommended to make advanced reservations to ensure that you get the bike you want.
Find more bike rental shops in the Bay Area.
Take the Baylink ferry to Vallejo and catch the Napa VINE route 10 bus to Yountville.